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Dr. Guy Fowle is a Senior Psychologist who has been practicing for over 30 years.
Trained in Clinical Child Psychology, Dr. Fowle received both Masters and Doctorate
degrees at Yeshiva University in New York City. As part of his training Dr. Fowle has
worked at The Children’s Hospital in Denver additionally he also received a Clinical
Fellowship in Family Therapy at Houston Child Guidance Center in Texas.
Dr. Fowle, a Bermudian, has been a Licensed Psychologist since 1987. Previous to going into private practice in 1990,he headed up the counselling and psychological testing services in the Dept of Education and also worked in the Department of Social Services.
Dr. Fowle is experienced in both therapy and assessment areas. He uses cognitive
behavioural therapy and psychodynamic approaches as well as systemic or a family
approach when indicated.
He is interested in doing therapeutic assessment as an extension of the assessment
Dr. Fowle specializes in the following areas:
* Diagnosis and Treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder
* Assessment for Specific Learning difficulties
* Testing for School Placement Abroad
* Individual therapy with adults with a side variety of anxiety problems using CBT and
various other approaches.
* Individual sessions with children and adoelscents for treatment of a wide variety of
adjustment disorders.
*Psychodynamic psychotherapy for adults interested in better understanding themselves and their behaviors in relationships
*Family therapy
*Supervision of Clinicians from a variety of mental health disiplines.
Appointments can be made with Dr. Fowle by calling 441- 292-9308 or by e-mail
to drguyfowle@gmail.com